Studio Policies∼
A CREDIT CARD NUMBER MUST BE PROVIDED AT REGISTRATION. Tuition is due the by the 10th of the month. If tuition has not been paid by the 10th of the month, we will charge your bill to the credit card number provided by you at registration. If you have not provided us with a credit card and your tuition is not paid by the 20th day of the month, your dancer is suspended from classes until tuition is brought current. Your sibling discount will no longer apply if tuition is not paid by the 10th of the month. Thank you for understanding.
Family Tuition Discounts
Tuition discounts apply only to regular monthly tuition.
The primary student (the student attending the most classes) pays full tuition. Any other family member attending receives 10% off tuition. This family discount only applies if you are receiving no other discount or coupon offer.
Student Withdrawal
Technical Dancers: You be continually charged for the class you signed up for on a monthly basis unless you have informed us in writing of your intent to withdraw. A 30 day notice is required. No refunds on tuition or costumes. No exceptions.
Competition Dancers: Once Team placement is accepted there is no withdrawal accepted until the season end. Dancers will receive no refunds on competition fees, competition costumes, technical costumes, workshop fees, shoes, tights, etc...Dancer will be charged competition tuition until the end of the season. Dancer will also be responsible for costs incurred to reset the choreography for every dance affected. There will be no exceptions.
Classroom Policy in Regard to Young New Dancers
Parents are not allowed in the classroom but are welcome to watch from the viewing windows.
Discipline in the Classroom
We are here to dance! We want your dancer to grow in their technique and enjoy their time in the classroom. That being said, please advise your dancer that the classroom is not a place for discussion, except with the instructor, unless otherwise advised. Attention and respect for the instructor and other students are necessary for learning, especially when you are observing others during their instruction time. If a student is misbehaving, the instructor will first ask for attention. They will ask a second time. After that, the student will be sent to the office where they will have to explain the problem.
Weather Related Closings
Please check email and facebook for inclement weather closings.
Supervision of Children
Children ages 6 and under need parent/guardian supervision unless arrangements have been made with the studio. Please stay with your young child or be there before class and after class is excused. Our studio does not have the capability to supervise large numbers of young children outside of classes. We have a spacious reception and break room area for parents, children and all our students to use and enjoy.
Our instructors are always happy to discuss student progress and plans with you, or address any questions or concerns. Please set up an appointment time for parent/teacher conferences with the instructor.
The studio owners, instructors, students or parents/guardians have the right to request a conference whenever there is continued disregard for studio policy. If after such a conference the disregard continues, the studio has the right to cancel the student’s enrollment.
We need your email!! Paperless is a nice way to go, and if you save important emails, you can always go to them for reference or print them out and start a "Shoreline Info" file to refer back too. Things come up quickly sometimes and details are added to our basic information. It's an easy way to keep you current. Please make sure we have your current email address and if you update, update us! Your monthly bill will be put into your mailbox unless otherwise requested. The bulk of our information is posted on our webpage at at www.shorelinedance.net . Please check our webpage and your email frequently!
Class Attendance
As in any team sport, class attendance is very important. We encourage students to attend class unless they are ill or have a conflicting family or school event. We believe that any student that signs up a for a class wants to be there and will do their best to attend. Students should never miss two weeks in a row of the same class. Roll will be taken at each class. If a student is not in attendance and we have not been notified, the student’s home will be contacted. This is a safety issue. Competition students should not miss more than 3 classes, of each required, without a valid excuse. Tuition refunds cannot be given for missed classes. However, students may make up a missed class by attending another class with the instructor’s permission. If missed classes begin to interfere with the choreography or performance, the instructor may wish to schedule a conference with the students and/or parents. Excessive absenteeism may disqualify a student from a performance. Dancers may not miss the last practice before a competition or before recital. Without a valid reason for missing, dancers may not perform that dance at competition or recital.
When you register for a class, you will fill out a form for each costume you wish to purchase. Payments for costumes will be due as follows: ½ due November 1at, ½ due December 1st .
Dress Code
For girls, Ballet class requires pink ballet shoes, tights, and a leotard. Hair must be pulled off the face, no jewelry. For all other classes girls may wear any color or style of dancewear. Hair must be pulled off the face. Boys may wear above the knee shorts and close fitting t-shirts. Loose fitting clothing is not allowed. Hip-hop dress may be more casual.
Rehearsal shoes must be approved by the instructor. Proper dance shoes must be worn, no street shoes are allowed in classrooms. Recital and Competition shoes will be chosen by the instructors and the studio and must be purchased through the studio to insure consistency. Students will be sized in December-January and shoes will be ordered as needed.
Taken by Gina Rippentrop Photography...these timeless treasures are always offered in an affordable package.
Recital Costume Pick-up
When costumes come in, dancer will try them on in class and we will steam and hold them until the week before class pictures. Any problems with costumes need to be brought to our attention immediately after trying on.
Rehearsal and Recital will be at the Sheldon Theatre. Rehearsal and Recital dates and times TBA. Parents please note that recital help is needed to ensure a smoothly run recital. Volunteers from each class will be recruited. There are many ways to help!
Please see Calendar page for list of Holiday closures.
Workshops provide a great opportunity to grow as a dancer. You are exposed to various teachers and teaching styles in a fun and fast paced learning environment. We will be offering a chance to attend various workshops in house and in the surrounding areas.
Parents/guardians must sign the studio Health Waiver. This form must be on file for the student to be able to attend classes.
Medical Limitations
All medical limitations must be noted upon registration with the studio. Failure to note such a condition is equal to assurance by the parent that such a condition does not exist.
Private Lessons
Private lessons are a scheduled time period for one-on-one with an instructor. Students will work on technique to further them in the discipline of the instructor’s choosing. Once a private lesson time slot is agreed upon by student and instructor, the student will be charged on a monthly basis. As with any arranged lesson (such as piano, voice, guitar etc…),if you are unable to attend your lesson at your scheduled time, the lesson will be forfeited and you will still be charged. You may, however, exchange lesson times with another student with instructor approval. Private lessons do not guarantee a solo. This is up to the instructor’s discretion. If a solo, duet or trio is awarded, there will be a $25.00 Choreography fee per dancer and a music editing fee of $15.00.
Competition team members may aspire to enter a solo, duet or trio dance routine in competition. This would require permission and extra preparation through private lessons with one of our instructors. Competitions fees for solos, duets/trios are announced by each competition sponsor.