We offer excellence in dance instruction in an family-friendly atmosphere. Ballet, Modern, Tap, Jazz, Lyrical, Hip-Hop, Boys only & Musical Theatre. Whatever your age or ability level we have the class for you!
Why Choose Us?
Here are just a few reasons...
•Highest quality, cutting edge instruction
•Three studios with fully sprung floors
•State of the art sound systems
•Spacious student break & study rooms
•Welcoming reception & waiting area
•Viewing windows for all studios
•Innovative, fresh choreography every year
•Positive, encouraging atmosphere for all
•Friendly helpful staff
All the above are necessary in running a studio that your child will thrive in - but our beliefs go deeper...
Children should be able to experience a variety of activities. Our Technical dancers enjoy our flexible scedule, learn excellent technique by caring instructors and grow as they want to in their dance education. Some decide to take it the competition level. They understand the importance of attending practices and are devoted to their teams, but are able to experience some of the following as well:
Swimming, Speech, Theatre, Tennis, Cheerleading, Volleyball & Youth & Government...
A combination of dedication and attention to individual schedules makes this work. Attend our spring recital and you will see the results. We score as high or higher at competitions than studios who require many more hours of practice from their students. The purpose of any education is to allow the individual to grow to their full potential, exploring all their talents.